All end game can be beat with a good strategy. Gally isn't needed for anything people just crutch on it. I beat Crota as all 31s with truth and hunger. It took me 1500 hours to get gally that's a lot longer and I restarted a lot of characters. The problem is people suck at this game and can't do things with out the best guns in the game of to lazy to figure out a good strat and hit the easy button. From what I read it's only a 20 percent nerf to wolf packs so it's not even going to be that bad. Like I said I did fine before I had it and I'll do fine when I have to move on from it. There's nothing in this game that I can't do without it
Exactly. So there's no point of nerfing unless you want to make things more exclusive. It's just gonna happen. People who think they need it will now be even more strict about people using it. Needed? No, all it does is speed things up. After 1000 hrs it's not like I'm raiding and striking for the thrill. I'm just getting loot drops. If a weapon will cut down the time it takes to go those, that means I can do more in the same amount of time. That's why I use gally. Not because I "need" it. And thanks lol I'll be finishing up the rest after work today.
Did it you do them all alone or have some help? I'm assuming you did them on earth. I just started on them about a week ago
Some alone but with a team of 3 it goes way faster. Go to earth and split up. You can check all areas in a few minutes then go back to orbit and go again.
Yeah if had no luck with finding people. How much faster on average do you think it is with help?
15-20 minutes easily. With three, you can easily cover all locations. Saves you time getting to each. If there is a VIP saves you time for getting to it. You just wait between locations till its completed to check 2 locations in seconds.