The sunbreaker [b]LITERALLY[/b] is a Goldengun/Bladedancer with a [b]little[/b] less range....
And of course Bungie will [b]never[/b] nerf it because they [b]want[/b] people who don't have King of Taken your 💰to get frustrated and force them to waste their $ on this overpriced DLC.
Seriously pathetic......
1. You are complaining that a Subclass is overpowered [b]before it is even available.[/b] 2. A PvP-centric Subclass was long overdue for Titans. The other classes got the love they needed. I mean, Bladedancers' Razor's Edge Perk has longer range than Fist of Havoc with Shockwave, and it doesn't even use your entire Super. And Warlocks get an even longer-distanced spinoff of the Fist of Havoc. 3. The other two classes will receive new Subclasses/Supers as well, such as a powerful, ranged Super capable of taking out a Titan while using the Sunbreaker Hammer (Shadowshot, Stormcaller is just as viable for a Super-duel)