The sunbreaker [b]LITERALLY[/b] is a Goldengun/Bladedancer with a [b]little[/b] less range....
And of course Bungie will [b]never[/b] nerf it because they [b]want[/b] people who don't have King of Taken your 💰to get frustrated and force them to waste their $ on this overpriced DLC.
Seriously pathetic......
On a scale of 1 to anus destroyed, how Butthurt are you?
Thanks for the tears. I personally think night stalker is the most op new class sure it's not for pvp but quiver can make it pvp and the tethers are the shit in pve
Barely 2700 grimroire in year 2 is one thing, being another person crying "nerf this" is another, but not even having access to the thing you're complaining about meaning you can't say from experience anything about it isn't a good place to start from
Sun breaker is literally hard countered by nightstalker. Lol
I love the fact you kids are that desperate to whine about something, you've started on supers not released until next month
we should really wait until we actually play TTK before we cry nerf... [b] [i]~Le Soul Gummy~[/i][/b]
Edited by darkdemon759k: 8/2/2015 9:15:15 PMLOL I love it when people complain his super ain't even shit, new hunter subclass can shut it down easy, and if u didn't notice you shoot the hammer it doesn't go straight it shoots like an arc, easy to blink dodge and easy to run from also nova bomb will kill him, golden gun will out shoot him easy to snipe down
I am getting really tired of these post. I could go on and on about how it is well-balanced and how Bungie needs to stop needing everything. But I think I'll just say, "No, -blam!- you".
Salty level: Surpassed a super bitch . you can just call it a super bitch 2
Nah dude ShadowShot square to the dome will drop anyone of those flamer titans
Listen, you're exaggerating here. I've played with and against them and they're no more threatening than any other offensive class. Just chill and don't panic.
No it's not -blam!- off
I've gone against the sunbreaker super about 5 times now. 4/5 times I kill them before they kill me. It's really not that OP.
I was saying the exact same thing! It looks like the most fun though...
I think I'm blind, I can't see the #satire...
Where's #satire and also you wouldn't know because you haven't played nor has it officially come out yet, you can't base something of other people's gameplay completely
Edited by Nero: 8/10/2015 7:37:46 PMI think you forgot #satire. Oh you're talking about what you really want huh? Oh I see. retard...Ahem anyway yeah Titans are(not) overpowered if bungie does this then we should upgrade the other supers too. Night Stalker should get three arrows per super instead of one. And warlocks should have triple the range than the one they had before. Yep this seems pretty balanced.
All I hear is, "durr hurr nwe tittin sub class is op af,(even though the expansion has yet to be released and 0.01% of the player base has had the opportunity to use the sub class pre-release), plees nerf nao or gaim iz brwoken. I knuw I iz gaiming expurt and souper smrt.", please stop crying about something that has yet to be released. We still have more than a month till the expansion and for all we know Bungie might have made changes to the new classes.
I love how the use of symbols and emoji is a deciding factor on age.
In what way is the 'to be released later' subclass OP? To clarify: OP means over powered, Over powered means that almost nothing can counter it, and once it is activated/in the possesion of someone, then they are unstoppable. [b]If you are basing your opinion on whether an entire subclass based on its super alone, then that is pathetic. If you are, then it is a super, it is supposed to be powerful. If not, analyse every other subclass and compare abilities/ability synergy.[/b]
Wow, already? Come on children! At least let the damn expansion come out first before these posts start!
I've given up on humanity and this generation of kids...... I was born at the wrong time Someone murder me plz!