I truly do not understand why this is happening. Why nerf the power weapons in to oblivion? What is the point of having them at all then?
I really hope that EVERYONE gets Gjallahorn right before the nerf... that way they will see how great it is.. then immediately regret having posted about getting it nerfed.
Unfortunately this is the sad state of the world we live in. Those that feel they are missing out on what they deem to be "owed" cry and shout to the heavens about how unfair things are, until their demands are met and everything is handed to them.
You are all special little snowflakes and everyone will get a medal just for participating.
participation medals should be given out to all the snowflakes
Sorry mate but I don't understand, u call us in this thread little snowflake?
Yeah I could have been more clear with that.... "Special snowflakes" refers to the ones that complain about how they are "owed" something for doing nothing, the ones that scream and cry because they don't have (insert weapon name here) until it is ruined for everyone else. Basically, the "this gun killed me in PvP. NERF IT NOW!"... "I still dont have Ghorn! NERF IT NOW!".... "I can't go 9-0 in ToO! NERF IT NOW!"...
Mate I think u don't understand. No one here are asking a nerf!