originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Agent Utah begins digging undergroumd along with 48 other freelancer agents*
[b]a loud banging is heard and a woman falls through the top of their tunnel[/b]
*looks at you* What are you doing here?
"The spell I casted said there was a large blood Crystal deposit in this area so I went looking for it."
Spells..........blood crystal........... [b][i]A.I. Psi: What Agent Utah I believe is trying to say is that spells remind him of Sithis and he found a blood crustal type thing awhile ago and its over behind you. Also the reasoning of why when he talks sometimes is because of a part of his neck that was ripped open by Agent main or the meta.[/i][/b]
"Ohhh, you're freelancers, when I was much worse I fed on the negative energy that project produced."
I believe I can talk now.... for a bit..... anyway go and take your blood crystal thing.
"Thank you, and my name is Lupa by the way." [b]Lupa graps the crystal and goes out the same way she came in[/b]