I had a handful of people ask me to respond so I rushed to get this video up.
As always I welcome the discussion and disagreement, just please actually watch the video before calling me a name or denouncing my viewpoint. I'm on twitch daily if you want to discuss this live.
**EDIT : I will be discussing this LIVE tonight at 11pm EST. I will address many of the rebuttals and disagreements from the forums so be sure to tune in.
My feelings that I posted. : First off, thank you Bungie for all the countless hours I have played and enjoyed. With an immense amount of gratitude I will tell you that for me the 2.0 Weapon Update was a BIG BUZZ KILL. In my humble opinion you guys shouldn't have waited so long, and you shouldn't have condensed EVERY SINGLE weapon tweak all on one update. It's too much, and what I mean by that is, as a summary your weapon update is just ONE BIG NERF. That's what many of us feel. I suggest you communicate better with us and most of all ACKNOWLEDGE MUCH SOONER than you did. I have a feeling you have pissed a lot of gamers off, and I would recommend strategizing a little differently next time when you decide to change the outcome of the whole entire game with weapon balance. I'll see when you release TTK and hope you listen to your loyal fan base. Peace.