Why don't you go back to whore island?
Where did you get your clothes?? The toilet store?
What do you want to be when you grow up son?
Have you ever seen a groan man naked?
Did you just misspell that because you are blind? Or because you are disoriented by having Baxter kicked of a bridge by Jack Black?
Have you not heard of autocorrect? Because it's a real bastard sometimes, yes?
Are you Variks?
Were I Variks, you would hear my staff slamming into the ground at the start of every sentence, do you hear a staff slamming into the ground?
I thought so, but could it be that it is actually poker chips, chess pieces and other game pieces exploding in the oven?
Your ears are finely tuned my friend, do you have enhancements?
Did I just awkwardly realize you are not the OP of this comment? Are my eyes worse than my genetically enhanced ears?
Is there something in my teeth?
I believe you but why do you make it sound like your lying?
Are you?
Are you just looking at objects and saying you love them?