Make it so damn hard to get Vanilla gear, I've been grinding away on Tiger Strikes hoping to one day get the Ghost Angle Cloak
Not only don't I have it, I haven't seen any of my blue engrams turn into legendary
It's ridiculous I mean they only vanilla gear why make is so hard to get? When they were 1st promoting game one of things they highlighted was the [b][i][u]uniqueness[/u][/i][/b]of characters
How am I suppose to customize my character I f I can't get [b][i][u]ONE[/u][/i][/b]lousy piece of gear after countless hours on strikes??!
Did you think before you posted?
Did you?
Did I?
What the heck are you going on about?
Why don't you already know?
Know what?
isnt that the question of the day?
Wasn't that cut from the movie?
Is this your conversation?
Am I forbidden to join in?
Edited by Slendy04: 7/22/2015 1:31:04 AMAre you?
Are you missing the punctuation?
good job?
Isn't that a statement not a question?
but what if the question was a statement?
Than wouldn't that mean you loose this game?
but what if my brain hurts and that is the reason my question is a statement?
Wouldn't that mean you lost because it was still a statement?
Is that not a statement too?