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7/19/2015 12:49:27 AM

Advice on Quiting Destiny

Now this isn't some "I'm sick of Destiny and all it's bullshit!" rant post. I'm honestly thinking of quiting Destiny all together. So why don't I just leave? Because I feel addicted. For the past 9 or so months, I feel like my life and all my free time has revolved around Destiny. No other video game has consumed so much of my life like Destiny has. It would be one thing if I really enjoyed the game, but half the time I don't, I just find it frustrating. Recently one of my closest friends, who played Destiny with me a bunch, completely deleted Destiny from his hard drive and confessed that "it was an unhealthy habit". I wasn't in the slighest bit upset. Inatead i felt proud of him, because I agree, it is an unhealthy habit. Now i'm not sure if I could ever bring my self to delete all my hard work in Destiny. After all; I have this weird philosophy that you should never get rid of proof of labor. And even though it's just a video game, I feel as though I have put a lot of hard work into Destiny. But i'm getting a bit desperate. I may be asking the wrong group here, but here goes nothing. What advice can you guys give on how to quit Destiny? I've been trying to fill in the gap by playing other video games, but I have nothing new to play, and other games just aren't keeping me quite as entertained (it's like Destiny is crack and other video games just feel like weaker, lesser drugs). When I discovered the Mass Effect series in January of this year (amazing series btw), I felt like I could just enjoy Mass Effect whenever I got frustrated with Destiny. Now that i've beat that trilogy, i've got very little to occupy my free time other than Destiny. This addiction has got to stop. I have no incentive to play this game anymore, and yet it's all I think about. Some people may say to "just pace yourself better and play in smaller sessions", but i'm too affraid I'll get sucked in all over again. I never tought that i'd look at "3 days of no Destiny" as a milestone! So what advice can any of y'all give on how I can quit the addiction that is Destiny?

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  • you don't have to quit all together. I just log on to pick up bounties I like to do and when I have time maybe on Tuesdays resets I play all the bounties I like to play. And than throw in some PVP. but I'm also looking for a new game to replace D

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    2 Replies
    • I was the same way until I found another game to hold my interest ( dying light ). I am not all together quitting destiny I just have nothing else to accomplish until ttk comes out so I will be back but now when I do play destiny I play for maybe 30 mins before it bores me and I am off to play another. I would imagine that since they made those notes in what's coming in the next patch people will kinda fll to the way side anyway since all the best weapons will become weaker. But IMO I like the patch that's coming out it's long over do. Anyway goodluck.

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    • Go ahead and quit then I'm sure you'll be better in life for it. Or ya know don't delete all the characters just play like once a week when you have no obligations just for fun

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    • I've never played the first one and have barely played the third but the witcher series is a really good game. Spent 60 or so hours in the second one. I haven't started the 3rd one due to thinking I'll spend 100 hours or so on it. Good luck on what ever you decide man

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      3 Replies
      • Break the disk, delete it off console. Resist the urge. Real life sucks with destiny in it

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      • 1
        Well I just kept playing till something happened that [b]really[/b] ticked me off (the dark below) and that for me to quit.

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      • It sounds like you really need to step away from the game. Ween yourself off slowly til you're able to control yourself when it comes to the game.

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      • Next time do the same at me just quit no bodycare about u quitting.

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      • I went through this feeling as well. I broke off for a while pre-House of Wolves and will be doing so again shortly. It does feel like a relief to have it out of your life for periods of time. You know your own strength of will better than anybody on this forum does. I would suggest taking a break, don't play, stay off the boards. It doesn't mean you can't come back in a month or two and re-experience the parts of the game you enjoyed. That's where the strength of will comes in though, if you can't do that without getting completely 8 hours a day back into it, then maybe you should move on (and stay away from loot driven games entirely).

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      • Porn is the answer, take up drinking too. That will occupy some of your time. If you want a more positive direction maybe join a cult or religion (pretty much the same thing ).

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        1 Reply
        • Far Cry 4

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        • Lol that's why I play dragon age. There's so much content and I can leave whenever the hell I want.

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        • nothing written here will help you except you having the knowledge that there's nothing wrong with you for being addicted to a game, "it is no achievement to be well adjusted to an insane society." don't sweat it and find a way to be creative. wish you well

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        • Inquiring after I beat certain criteria All 34s All exotic weapons

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        • You won't b able to stop playing destiny, get urself a wife have a couple kids then ur all good, because ur not gonna have time to play destiny and grind. Believe me I'm in that boat :(

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        • Once you hit that delete the only way back is to keep playing. So if you do delete, be sure to sell or trash your game so you don't revert into starting it over. As a substitute, start playing a similar game that does not have quite the time requirement, like call of duty or halo. Slowly because they are similar but more dull than destiny, I'd suspect the "need to play" feeling will wear off. Pick up a book or start a new tv series or make a commitment to exercise and get more sleep in your free time.

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        • Just find a way to get your head around other games, i backed off of destiny because i did research and began to talk to and understand a lot of the games motivation (which is essentially to get you addicted to 2 weeks worth of content)

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        • delete your characters pussy.

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        • Stop smoking pot

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        • find another game.

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        • Luke Smith has said that its okay to put down this game and play another game. It's alright to quit destiny of you want to. And you can always come back

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        • Foolproof way to stop playing Destiny: 1. Download Rocket League 2. Play Rocket League 3. Done

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          4 Replies
          • Nah this 2.0 update has been my final reason to quit. It finally showed me how terrible of a company bungie is and took the money sucking leach off of me. Gladly i will soon be playing fallout made by a company that actually listens to their fan base and loves you for showing loyalty

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            3 Replies
            • Just play a little bit every other day, but, try and go out and make some memories man, that's the shit money can't buy.

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            • Edited by ImYoDaaaddy: 7/19/2015 2:45:19 PM
              A lot of solid advice in here. If you were addicted to video games, then quit cold turkey. But if it's just Destiny, then take a break. For me, it's easy since It's summer, there are tons of hot girls, the weather is nice, etc. I just don't want to be cooped up inside playing Destiny. I love sports, I love going to the gym, plus I have classes to go to and a job. Y'know with all these things, playing Destiny was the last thing on my mind, if it was even in my mind at all. I love the game, almost all 3 chars are 34. I used to grind for a lot of hours, I've put a lot of hours in. I have all exotics except Dreg's Promise. I've invested a lot of time in this game. But I'm not addicted to it anymore. It just seems easier when you have other things to do, or better games to play. Good luck!

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            • Don't buy ttk simple as that, destiny will go on and you'll slip too far behind to do anything therefore forcing you to stop.

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