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7/19/2015 12:49:27 AM

Advice on Quiting Destiny

Now this isn't some "I'm sick of Destiny and all it's bullshit!" rant post. I'm honestly thinking of quiting Destiny all together. So why don't I just leave? Because I feel addicted. For the past 9 or so months, I feel like my life and all my free time has revolved around Destiny. No other video game has consumed so much of my life like Destiny has. It would be one thing if I really enjoyed the game, but half the time I don't, I just find it frustrating. Recently one of my closest friends, who played Destiny with me a bunch, completely deleted Destiny from his hard drive and confessed that "it was an unhealthy habit". I wasn't in the slighest bit upset. Inatead i felt proud of him, because I agree, it is an unhealthy habit. Now i'm not sure if I could ever bring my self to delete all my hard work in Destiny. After all; I have this weird philosophy that you should never get rid of proof of labor. And even though it's just a video game, I feel as though I have put a lot of hard work into Destiny. But i'm getting a bit desperate. I may be asking the wrong group here, but here goes nothing. What advice can you guys give on how to quit Destiny? I've been trying to fill in the gap by playing other video games, but I have nothing new to play, and other games just aren't keeping me quite as entertained (it's like Destiny is crack and other video games just feel like weaker, lesser drugs). When I discovered the Mass Effect series in January of this year (amazing series btw), I felt like I could just enjoy Mass Effect whenever I got frustrated with Destiny. Now that i've beat that trilogy, i've got very little to occupy my free time other than Destiny. This addiction has got to stop. I have no incentive to play this game anymore, and yet it's all I think about. Some people may say to "just pace yourself better and play in smaller sessions", but i'm too affraid I'll get sucked in all over again. I never tought that i'd look at "3 days of no Destiny" as a milestone! So what advice can any of y'all give on how I can quit the addiction that is Destiny?

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  • This video pretty much explains what your talking about. I feel the same way man. This game creates a habit which is really an unhealthy one for some people, myself included. I stopped playing it about two weeks ago (aside from trying to play for a few min last weekend). I just started working out more and enjoying other things besides destiny. When I do play videogames Ive been playing Farcry 4 (bought it with all the dlc for less than TTK costs). I havent brought myself to delete the game yet but everytime I even think about playing that game Im filled with disgust about how much time Ive wasted on that game over the past year.

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  • That same philosophy of keeping proof of hard work has even been keeping me from making new characters because I don't want to lose DTR

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  • Sex.... Lots and lots of sex. Unless you are underage. Then Capri Suns. Lots and lots of Capri Suns

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    7 Replies
    • It's easy, stop playing and look for a new game you can lose yourself in. I stopped playing destiny in April when current gen dark souls 2 came out. Once you stop and pick up a game that you really enjoy, then you'll realize how tedious and boring destiny is. I've put in close to 100 hours into dark souls 2, and once the witcher 3 came out I didn't even care about HoW. I've played prison of elders once lol. Now I just recently got a playstation and I've been trying to perfect bloodborne. There are plenty of games out there that are much more engaging and fun to play.

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      13 Replies
      • DO IT...JUST DO IT

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      • (>'.')> <('.'<) (^'.'^) <('.')> ( '.')

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        3 Replies
        • I am not trying to be a dick when I day this- I mean it sincerely: if anything, including a video game, is consuming your life and negatively affecting it, and you want to stop but can't, you might want to consider seeing a therapist or something.

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        • Pick up Witcher 3.

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        • Get the Smite beta until Halo 5, Star wars or Fallout 4 drop.

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          1 Reply
          • When it comes to that sort of addiction, "tapering off" doesn't seem like an effective solution. If you have a physical copy of the game, delete your characters and give it away (or trade it away) or just snap the disc in half. if its digital, delete your characters and then the game. The anxiety you have towards giving up the addiction is much harder to overcome than the addiction itself. Find some other games to play, or take a break from gaming altogether. If you really feel this is a problem, you've taken the first step already just by making this post. I had a similar problem just after TDB launched. I gave up for months and played single player, story based games (like you did with mass effect). I found the dark souls style games to be a blast. I still play Destiny now, but I don't do huge marathons anymore., and I keep a bunch of other titles on hand.

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          • Edited by Tslamming: 7/19/2015 3:37:27 AM
            Lock your console away? Take the disc out and put it in the case tell someone to hide it? If it's on your HDD then I dunno. Maybe play other games with friends, that's the only reason I play destiny. If you think you have an addiction, think again. Some people have 40+ days sunk into destiny. You think 40 days is a lot? Yeah no. In World of Warcarft, my time /played on one character is 400 days... That's an addiction.

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            4 Replies
            • Im not addicted to this game, Bungievision and the way they treat us (the consumers) was more than enough for me to give it up. They are a shady, corrupt bunch or greedy pigs. Got sick of waiting for the game they promised us which was obviously never coming.

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              2 Replies
              • Just find games that look promising to play, have a mix of games like free to play or other time consuming games and before you know it you wont want to go back to destiny. Trust me been playing rocket league, starting to download ff14, havent played destiny in 2 days and honestly it feels great.

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              • I was addicted to this game too, then I slowly started to get annoyed by some stuff (never getting a ghally, no matchmaking, too repetitive). I started to play less and less untili got the Witcher 3. That game is like the exact opposite of this cash grab experiment bungievision call destiny. Free dlc, superb story, tons and tons and tons of stuff to do. After playing the Witcher I can clearly see what destiny really is: a shooter with tight shooting mechanics but that at its core it's designed to make you addicted so you throw money at the screen every time they tell you to.

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              • Just Play other games. I got lost in Arkham Knight for literally hours having fun the other night. Didn't even think about playing Destiny. Final Fantasy X HD is a great buy. Great story, good content and a rewarding grind that's reasonable towards end game. "Do, there is no try."

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              • I subbed in witcher 3, Diablo 3, ffxiv and Elder scrolls online. Didn't like Elder scrolls. Lots to do in ffxiv. Diablo 3 is amazing, I play it for about a couple of hours. Witcher 3 is what cured me. It is so big, story is well put together unforgettable characters, huge quests that feel like real missions, over 200 hours of game play. It feels huge.

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              • 1. Copy your save to a USB and then delete if off your console. 2. Hide the USB in an inconvenient place to get, but secure enough that you know the rewards of your labor are safe. 3. Start a new habit or game.

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              • Pull the needle out, turn off all electricity, lock the door behind you then wait for the withdrawals to kick in!

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              • Y'know, I'm tempted to quit Destiny because of corporate greed. The pricing of the Taken King in the UK is unjustifiable. I can buy the Legendary Edition of TTK for [b]LESS[/b] than TTK on it's [b]OWN[/b]

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              • Return your game or uninstall? This ain't rocket science bro, no need for the college essay either.

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                5 Replies
                • Pick up another hobby. Musical instruments, art or anything they'll keep you busy. You'd be surprised how much something else would take your mind at from gaming if your enjoy it.

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                • Take a lawn mower, then put every destiny thing you own [spoiler]use your imagination on what you do next[/spoiler]

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                • Earn some discipline.

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                • Just like WoW and any other slot machine, hook and bait game, you need to simply walk away. Deleting your characters is permanent and theres no going back.... If you want to leave i'd suggest you delete everything, then walk away.. You would then be put in a position of having to re-do everything and get everything back again, which may ultimately persuade you from starting up again.

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                • try trove on steam o3o games addictive and basicly like destiny BUT dosent screw over its fan based ((all its micro-transactions are fair and it only has micro-transactions since its free to play and the devs actuly -blam!-ing work on the game hell just today we got a gift from them for all the "growning pain"problems of its steam release ;3.)

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                • Quitting*

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