Personally I would be so psyched if something like SAO happened to me I can't be the only one. Let me hear your opinions.
Many people don't realize the psychological trauma that would probably come from a game like that. Like, since it's so realistic, murdering someone in a game would most likely have the same effect as if in real life to most people. People might even start living in the game more than real life, like that kid's name I forgot that tried to -blam!- Shino Asada. Didn't they say that he was living in the game more than real life? I'm all for a game like SAO, but this game would spawn a new era of gaming, and there's a whole list of bad sides to this. There's also good ones, too. Also, imagine GTA V in Nerve Gear. That would probably spawn a lot of serial killers. [spoiler]Probably[/spoiler]