First off I don't care about the Ghorn or Blackhammer nerfs beacause after almost 1000 hours of game time across 5 level 30+ characters i still have neither
I'm upset over Ice breaker
I'm Devastated over my Thorn(SEIRIOUSLY 1/3 the current damage whats the gunna be 2 per tick srsly)
TLW is okay ish im not too upset
Really Bungie
I loved handcannons since i first got hands on Destiny at cons and stuff HandCannons were my absolute Favorite thing in the Game
And now you're murdering them
I use the original "Devil you Know" wreck face against thorn and TLW. If you have it you should give it a try dude. It takes a normal 3 shot to kill and then 2 head shots afterwards due to its awesome final perk. My honest advice is to not rely too heavily on an exotic to do good in crucible. Once you have mastered a legendary you like you won't need an exotic to get the same amount of kills. So take some time to find a new gun to master and you will laugh when you slam down exotic noobs in crucible! Hope this helps ya out dude.