What is you opinion on what the 2.0 patch, and TTK in general, is missing?
For me, it has to be private matches.
Edit: To everyone giving me shit calling me "stupid" and saying "this was just weapon tuning," have you not seen the July 2nd Weekly Update? https://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update-07022015/en/News/News?aid=13110
It says "New Crucible Modes - including the previously revealed Rift and Mayhem," so no mention of Private Matches, but it could still be a possibility, although unlikely if I'm being honest. :(
I just voiced an opinion of something I'd like to see in Destiny and some of you are acting like complete morons.
They'll announce a PC port of the game before they announce things private matches and dedicated servers Those things are harder to make then you think
Monte Carlo buff
The ability to change your characters appearance.
Dregs promise!
The full auto on pocket infinity.
They need to make hardlight shield piercing. Like the knight and phalanx shields
Since they nerfed everything else why not nerf blink...
Nerf connection errors.
Private matches Making dregs promise actually usable Removing lens flare from NLB Making NLB be able to penetrate shields Better sidearms
Buff the the dreg's promise!
The #satire tag
Why isn't my fireteam with me during a cutscene?
Nerf to the trolls
Yo what's up Damian!! I think the past update was just about weapon rebalancing and that there are still more that will come with the patch. Hopefully private matches is one of the new things we will get. Btw I just made my 2nd montage. Would appreciate a feedback from you.
I was gonna say bacon, but yea sure private matches works also I guess...
OMFG YES Private matches WE NEED IT
Buffing the dragons breath
So, so much...
Fixing the Vex mythoclast cone effect, or maybe putting legendary engrams back in crucible drops (weapons are nice but I like the randomness)
Buff the Mythoclast
Dregs promise buff
We do not even know what all is in 2.0....
As far as weapon balancing they need to fix side arms
Sparrow races
A vex mytholcast buff for pve and pvp.