That was the POINT of gjallerhorn. It did NOT need a nerf! And people requiring a horn to play are OBVIOUSLY KIDS that aren't good enough to play without one. Bungie NEED to quit adhering to these WHINEY B1TCHES and actually work on something in the game that ACTUALLY fixes it. Like game mechanics, servers, laggers, error messages, ai health regen, last word sniping, messenger one shot, sh1t like that. Not the fact that the perk white nail grants infinite ammo if used properly(when in fact, you're gonna miss sometimes) or the Wolf pack nerf. They are nerfing the WRONG sh1t. Bungie will keep nerfing until their player base is merely children. They've lost nearly half of their players already since year one. And this is supposed to be a 10 year franchise? Yah f0ckin right!
Well, I guess that's where we disagree.