Guys... This is the fake engrapadora.. Are you guys seriously that foolish?
A new D-Class, wonderful!
Gay as -blam!-
damn it engra
As a brony, this is creepy
*weewhoo* BRONIES ALERT *weewhoo*
Why u do dis?
I must see more for scientific research
Way ahead of you…
sand me nudes of mlp pls
We.... missed you, Engra.
Oh god why
ew a plebeian
*brain cells commit suicide on by one*
Good websites for this stuff?
paheal, flanksfor[dot]us, derpibooru, and e621 are some of my favorites.
Saving for later mischief.
Thanks keep fighting good fight!
Response time correlates with a good fap session, nice.
What? Who posts this? *looks at name* Oh.
See's name nope not opening that
Fuuuxk you brony
Why do you post this repeatedly if you are neither a brony, nor a furry?