I'm a level 420 Atheon looking for a squad to help me raid the reef. This is a very tough raid and we need to get the "loot" as fast as possible. Also I am helping nubs get there moments of disaster for the year one top hat :),
Here are some of the things I need.
We need at least 4 supplicants or exploder shanks to cheese the part when the guardians go under the map.
We need a couple swordbearers to take the thorn DoT in the brother Vance checkpoint.
We need some minotaurs with slap cannons to knock Petra off the edge. It's not a cheese its a strategy >:(
We need a Skolas to get that idiot variks the "loyal" to shut up.
If you don't meet any of these requirements you must have a maxed slap cannon, slap rifle, wire rifle, captain shotgun thingy, or have maxed dick face rockets.
My gt is: xxxxx3many.exs5uxxxxxxxxxxx
Actual edit 1: call kinda kickass03 and the forklift scrubs.
Edit 2: surprised no one has said they are a level (x) Luke smith yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Edit 3: deleted previous edits that are no longer needed.
Edited by J Cob 55: 7/20/2015 12:46:17 AMBring full team of axis hobbits. Line rifles for days
Level 360 king baron. I can run scorch cannon and have the shrapnel launcher
This post is god tier. 69/10 would bang
Level 911 with maxed out The First Word
Edited by TheMilkman: 7/20/2015 12:34:17 AMLvl milk, Gun: Mud dud rocket launcher Subclass : -blam!-ing ops mum Experience in raiding people [spoiler]just people[/spoiler] [spoiler]*lenny face*[/spoiler]
lvl 1738 hive knight sword bearer here, looking for reef raid group, need to be carried through to queen cp, need group with maxed out boomers, message me for invite
lvl 900000000 Gatekeeper looking to raid, I have the invincibility perk and I have a max sword
Add me I'm a 367 Phalanx with maxed glitch melee and I also know a way to cheese the part to unlock the door to the Queen. I also have unflinching on my shield so even if they try to shoot my gun I won't budge. Add me: xxxxxGardyanH8rxxxxx
This game was made for entertainment not whining. This post made me smile, good to see not everyone taking it so seriously, sometimes people just lose sight of why they are playing the game to begin with. They get too caught up in trying to be the best. They need to go to CoD league and try hard there.
Level 2 dreg. How do I get the shock pistol? I asked in the Ketch for help but they said i needed the scorch cannon to do the raid. Can anyone help me? I have lightning grenades pls
Level 100 Xur. sorry i got no guns.
I have a melee weapon that summons 1200 phogoths, 9000 crotas, and infinite atheons. Add me, I'm a level 420 warlock that has queen's magic.
Uhh I'm a valus ta'aurk... Level 421. I am very interested
Level 420 state with rebel powers add me at XxXxTexXxXx
I know a trick to drop guardians from the network i call it "gorilla" so maybe they will get pissed off and quit and we will fight less in the process. I also have gjally send Inv
"Is it okay if I switch my characters at the exotic chest?"
Level 3000 and 1/2 Alaskan Bull Worm here with a fully upgrade kinda-stiff-but-not-so-stiff-that-it's-uncomfortable-but-still-pretty-hard light.
Lol wtf the forums rigth now has bettwr than the game
Edited by FoktopG: 7/18/2015 11:24:30 AMI'm a lvl 100 blacksmith knight. They sold one of my brothers on eBay I think. So I need revenge!!! Invite me, gt: XxxALLGAURDIANSNEEDANERFxxX
Can we run this three times? I want the rewards on all my characters.
Riots lol
Level 3065 oryx rider here I'm also doing a reef raid, must have maxed out paintbull guns or maxed out nerf guns
lol 20 exploder shank here, but I don't know the route to get off the map to the guardians, but I can learn it inv me