It isn't coming until September with TTK. :( :( :(
I love the changes, but they are already MONTHS overdue. I can't wait to play with these weapon balances in Trials!
[i]EDIT: Changed title to be less catchy and deceiving, and more accurate :)[/i]
the real reason to hate this update is the fact they f u c k e d up the black hammer its for bosses so its great there is no reason to ruin it its an amazing weapon on top of that i went through hell to get a gally for months now there fu ck ing that up for me this is bullshit people suck at the game and want sh it to get nerfed since there garbage shotguns are realistic for once in a game especially for 100s of years into the future the shotguns are nice now they fu ck up shot package this is bull if you suck play call of pooty i do fine against these so called op guns