I left that and went into MSFT, then decided repairing people was more rewarding. Have been doing that for 25 years now. Still work for AAPL on the side, hence the network requirements. Have to have variety in life.
I cannot make mistakes, people die. I hold professionals to similar standards when they have the public trust. Bungie are professional and should hold themselves to a standard which guarantees excellence.
Variety is def needed in life. So are you a doc or a psych? Apologies to you man i have been disrespectful. Anyone who dedicates there life to helping deserves respect.
Trauma Surgeon...
Much respect to you sir. Doubly so in fact.
At least my perspective on weapon damage is actually real. On a lighter note, your job is no piece of cake either...
Bloody hell I bet! I appreciate your humility but my job has changed these days. I went to uni for a bit to study psychology, got bored and now I work in a clothes shop. My job is easy! I'm treading water until I figure out my own path to help others. Although I do enjoy providing customer service, especially with old folk, I try and make a difference each day but it's not on a saving lives basis. So...destiny hey! Did you see the xur fail today, pretty sure the ghally was going to be for sale. Sucks to be bungie right now!
They are really stumbling when their path should be clear. 7 years of development should have included some planning. As someone who must plan for all contingencies, I have difficulty with that many minds being inconsistent. Version 2.01 nerf will soon follow. Who knows what that will bring? I am sure they don't...