I guess come September we'll see who the [i]real[/i] snipers are, huh?
Final round is now actully a completely usless perk. As a head shot one hit kills anyway. Its actully retarded. why even have perks? When people use them they just take them away.
I think I can already tell who the "real" snipers are. Skill is skill whether they have a final round sniper or not. That being said, I do welcome this change. Sux that people had to exploit this wonderful perk. I have had a final round sniper rifle forever, and only when ToO came out did it become an issue. Now I will never enjoy its benefits in PVP again. Sux, but it was needed.
Amen. Was arguing with a kid who was completely for final round snipers right before this update came about. Haven't heard a word from him since ;-)
The only thing final round will be useful is when a warlock with ram is in a super or has radiance skin on with flame shield but then again he will probably live that like golden gun
I have 2 sniper rifles with final round and never used them in the crucible but I have been sniping and getting better at head shots lately
Hey I'm just happy that snipers will take skill to use now am I right XD
What is the final round tweak?