Seems like it was a patch to just appease all the awful PvP players. By eliminating Final Round, nerfing Thorn and TLW, and buffing low skill auto rifles: it seems that Destiny is trying to lengthen the TTK in any PvP battle to close the skill gap. Skilled players should be able to achieve a very quick TTK with precision hits instead of holding the trigger down and hip firing a 50 round auto rifle magazine at someone.
It seems they are taking the skill and strategy out of PvP and rewarding terrible players by getting rid of any perks and guns that stop someone from running around like an idiot spraying bullets and blink shot gunning. There is no need for good tactical awareness, good aim and control, or a sound PvP strategy once this update comes into effect.
Edit 1: TTK should be consistent at respective ranges for weapon classes. An auto rifle should not kill someone 100 m away using a scout rifle, a hand cannon should probably still beat an auto rifle of the hand cannon lands a couple precision hits.
Edit 2: Give it 3 months and there will be a "re-buff" movement or another endless series of "nerf" this because it's a good gun posts.
Feel free to share your own opinions or hate on mine, I don't really care. I can debate anyone all day.
I disagree, if anything, the patch will do the exact opposite. Low skilled players have resorted to using shotguns as their primaries, that's going away by putting shotguns back into their short range meta. Thorn requires considerably less skill to use because the DOT held players hand and greatly rewarded for getting at least one to two shots in. The new stacking aspect now rewards up to 5 hits, which requires more skill to achieve. The patch's main goal is to strengthen the meta Bungie has had in mind for each weapon type, and making them all viable for the strategy they're supposed to fit.