Now with Gjally's wolfpack rounds getting nerfed and its effectivity reduced. I've thought about something: won't most people want even more people with a gjally after the nerf? Before, few people would accept others without it because they already had enough firepower to deal with the objective.
After the nerf have been applied, I believe the it will only promote even more elitism amongst the already toxicated player base. Everytime I visit the LFG forums a lot of the post contain a "must have gjally" requirement.
By nerfing the wolfpack rounds, people will feel the need to only accept gjallys to accumulate for the nerf introduced, thus resulting a backfire to this nerf's original intent. To eliminate exclusivity.
Any thoughts?
Edit 1: To admit, I've never owned a Gjally before and I've played since day one. I have already had much trouble trying to get into a raid or PoE team.
Edit 2: Better formulated the op.
Edited by FlapjacksNsyrup: 7/17/2015 8:44:29 PMMy thoughts: they actually need to increase the damage of Wolfpack Rounds if they want fireteams to rely on it less. However, by doing that, people will still want Gallys so they can crush bosses easily and therefore rely on it still. My final thoughts: It should stay how it was before 2.0 weapon update and Xûr should sell it. it's a battle they can not win.
Dont have gally, but have truth and dragonsbreath. Whats the betting that in the next two weeks RNGesus flips me off and gives me a gally, [i]the prick [/i] Waiting to see how this pans out, i suppose it depends on the damage reduction. The whole "must have max gally" recruitment policy was a bit much.
I agree yet Bungie doesn't realize this.
Edited by Alexander Slamilton: 7/17/2015 8:15:18 PMSHIT I JUST REALIZED I CANT SOLO CROTA ANYMORE ;-;
Edited by chickengoujohn93: 7/17/2015 8:12:05 PMThat time Xur sold Gally and everyone was like "keep your coins for an Exotic Primary". Those were the days.
Edited by Markano: 7/17/2015 11:49:48 AMMan, I was just gonna post this. I've been in so many groups where we needed a random or 2 and it's like, "… we have 2 (3) Gjallys so any tracking rocket you have will work". Soooooooo yea… now that Gjallarhorn will do less damage what will the solution be?? That's right, we need more Gjallys. Bungie… logic, not even once.
This is the real reason they are nerfing the ghorn. Not because people struggled finding a group like they said. They do not want us breezing through the taken king
Edited by KKorrupt: 7/17/2015 6:36:25 PMOr people will use other rocket launchers that will work just as well as Gjallarhorn, like The Hunger of Crota, etc
You're probably right, but I think the icebreaker and black hammer nerfs are going to cause this. Black hammer was a viable boss killer for those without ghorn, but now its going to be useless. Might as well roll a high impact sniper with field scout and faster reload perks.
Dragons breath is love Dragons breath is life
The fact that people assume the Gjallarhorn is a must in games is laughable at best.
As someone who regularly advertises having a maxxed out Gjally, I'm going to come off as some sort of race-traitor or sommat. I'm actually looking forward to it. Ultimately when it comes down to it, it's a pain in the ass to get a raid group or a POE group unless you have Gjally courtesy of the elitist attitudes some have regarding it. Usually I break it out at the beginning during a gear check, final bosses of raids and and POE, if I bother, since I have a lot more fun laying in with Hard Light, SUROS Regime or Invective. Hilarity usually ensues when my groups are like "Did Sev just charge the Templar?" Destiny is a game that's taught me one important lesson, and it's that failing to adapt to the changes made to the game is the easiest way to suck at it. This lesson rings even more true when one considers a small, but dedicated portion of the community that's been determined to build around these hurdles. This fix is being done in the midpoint between expansions, and I've noticed that among my non-Ballerhorn packing friends, morale kind of... well... morale f@#!ing [i]sucks[/i]. It's been at an all time low, with a few people I'm no longer speaking to over the crap loot tables, RNJesus STILL screwing everyone over, poor luck and crappy attitudes. It was good while it lasted, but frankly the sort of vitriol surrounding a pretend gun in our pretendy fun time space adventure drove home the fact that there are absolute psychos who basically live in game and have nothing better to do than to stroke their Gjally and thumb their noses at people without one and flip their lid when you dare to tell them that the weapon's a crutch. Did I mention I had one? Yeah, about that. I [i]had[/i] five at one point. If there were a trading system, I'd have traded them for the other exotics I got screwed out of. But you know what? I've been here since Beta, I hate using the damn thing, I don't have the heart to disassemble my last one so I can keep my collection intact, and I'm glad that other weapons are going to be made competitive so I can open up the chat channel and say "Yeah, I have a Gjally on standby, but I'm rocking Invective. Cool? Cool." For all this talk about 'Becoming Legend' it seems like we're all press ganged into being doppelgangers of each other with only some shaders to distinguish us, with the real distinction being the divisiveness of the populace of those who have and those who want on specific things being nerfed. Gjally's still going to be far from unusable, and the ones threatening to quit over a nerf (that won't) need to man up and actually do it or suck it up and shut up. tl;dr: Gjallarhorn is an overpowered, unbalanced piece of s@#! that's been a source of contention among the entire base and this nerf has been a long time coming.
More or less you are right, I never cared before now I may think about it.
People shouldn't be freaking out, gjally will still be good. It will still be the highest single target damage weapon in the game. It just want be as good. Gjally was so strong that it made a lot of enemies trivial because you good nuke them so fast. While I won't say this wasn't fun, I can say that it was broken. Now single gun should determine whether or not a boss is easy or hard as -blam!-. In regards to your post, I don't think we will see much change in LFG sites. Elitist pricks will always be elitist pricks.
I think PoE is where this stemmed from. I've seen a few CE post with the gally requirement but idk if I've ever seen a VoG post. There's been raid party's where almost everyone had one and I've been in raid party's where there was only 2-3 people that had one. Idk if it will make people want more gallys per fireteam. PoE they'd only invite people with gallys, and you can only have 3 players max. It might negatively impact the raids, but I highly doubt it. My thing though is why couldn't they have buff'd other heavy exotics to compete. If there were a few more options available I think players would stop trying to find only players with ghorns.
Xur is gonna sell ghorn that's why he does not have a weapon wait and see
Just use Truth or Dragons Breath. Or still use Jellyhorn, tbh you can use any weapon honestly. I have most exotics in the game and I can say I honestly only use my Ghorn if nobody else in the fire team has one. Since I run sword during Crota raids I don't need my Ghorn, using Ghorn in VoG is just silly because two or three people w/ 365, 100 round Corrective Measures murders Atheon. Heck T-Lord murders Atheon. Before Skolas patch sniper rifles killed Skolas just as fast as Ghorn. After patch it doesn't matter what you use on Skolas its going to take awhile either way but never takes too long. My point? Bungie wants people to be more friendly to one another and not shut out people who don't have Ghorn. Bungie wants to "balance" PvP (lol, balance). And Bungie wants to focus on team work to get through raids, pvp, anything really instead of just.. "Who has Gally" or "Who has Thorn" or "Must have a K/D of 1.5 and up." It's all goofy, I don't care what weapons or stats people have. If you want to raid or PoE on PS4 and I'm online shoot me a message.
LOL. Just another reason not to get TTK.They cant make better weapons, so they have to nerf the shit out of the Year 1 weapons, to ensure the weapons you get with TTK doesn't look so useless.I guess they learned their lesson with HoW. @Bungie I take it from this that you DONOT want any year 1 players left in Year 2 of the game.
Not if they sell it to the masses.
Yes, it's probably one of the most stupid things I've seen them do since the game launched. Yes it's OP, but it has kept the game alive for months and months.
Edited by D2_Dahaka_PAL: 7/17/2015 10:36:02 AMHonestly, I've done everything in this game in groups without gally quicker than alot of people who use it as a crutch. It isn't the be all and end all. I am more pissed at the changes to ice breaker and black hammer than what they've done to gally. Yeah I'm not happy about the gally nerf, but to me it's not top of the list. As for the elitists who only want people in their groups with gally. I've always avoided ass hats like that and if they want to group together more, it just makes it easier for me to avoid them.
You have a point but you're also missing a major point. Even though Gjallarhorn will still be the strongest rocket, it won't have the highest DPS anymore. Truth can technically now do more DPS than a Gjallarhorn can. DPS=damage per second, for those who don't know. And what this means is that people with Truth will now seem more relevant since it's right next to Gjallarhorn status now. Also, other weaker rockets won't seem that bad. If I'm doing a raid or PoE and there's someone in my fireteam with a relevant burn, high blast radius, fast velocity 365 att rocket launcher, that's like the 2nd best thing right there. Some examples: Hezen's Vengeance(great damage output), Truth, maxed rocket with tripod/grenades & horseshoes. Try and see the good in this, now I have more reason to use my other exotics such as Icebreaker :) even with the next...
The people that blame the Gjallarhorn nerf on the people that are "complaining" should probably take another look... Quite frankly the Gjallarhorn is most powerful rocket launcher in game at this time and that's because of Wolfpack rounds. If it came down to the exclusivity of the weapon Bungie would simply just increase the drop rate of it or have Xur sell it... Therefore confirming it is too powerful and doesn't fit the play style Bungie seeks it's player base to have.
Yea , it will REQUIRE people to have it now Kind of like taking burns out of skolas , which was the first time we used different exotics for burns! After taking them away , you NEEDED 3 gjally's , only did it once and it took some time didn't enjoy it one bit.
That's a good Point.