Can I bump this to get something more positive back in the forum that whining about the weapon balancing notes?
Didn't you just do that?
Did you steal my aubergine?
Are you only accusing me because I'm a lion?
Well weren't the lions responsible for instigating the South East Asian aubergine trade wars?
Edited by Dwayne the Jock Ronson: 7/23/2015 7:06:53 PMWas that my fault?
Who else is there to blame?
Wouldn't you blame the people? Isn't that what everybody does?
Do you think I should blame Deej? Isn't that how things work around here?
Doesn't that make more sense than blaming me?
Would you rather we covered ourselves in jam and settled it through interpretive dance?
Wouldn't the jam get stuck in my fur?
Would you like me to shave you first?
Do you think that would be awkward?
Why would the de-furification of another's body be awkward? Do they not say that he who is smooth as a baby seal shall forever know happiness and good fortune?
It depends on how you want to cause them happiness? How would you like to pleasure my good friend Dan D Lyon?
Can you find the courage in yourself to stay positive even when everyone else is sad?
Is it not the only way to prevent being dragged down by the despair of the weak?
Or is it the only way to fool yourself into thinking life is perfect when it is anything but?
But what is perfection other than a lense crafted of subjectivity through which we view the world?
Even then, can anything really live up to the expectations we have for perfect?
Who are we to expect perfection in other things? Should we not first strive to achieve it in ourselves?
Does the general population really worry about being perfect, or are they already under the ego driven illusion that they are perfect and that the rest of the human race should be more like them?
Do you really believe that anyone actually assumes they are perfect?
Did you just respond to all of my conversations while I was gone?
Did you notice?