Maps like first light and bastion need to make more of an appearance in future titles in destiny's life time, give the snipers of destiny more room to put their skills to the test.
(No, camping out in the back with an ice breaker, or a high fire rate sniper isn't skill, it's borderline camping)
It's a constant struggle in normal PvP now to actually snipe when you're being taken over by shotguns and Thorn's all the time, (you can check my characters stats. My main weapon used is a sniper rifle (Patience and Time) and I really love to be a sniper in this game), unfortunately there are a lot of close quarter maps. Most of you would say "There are a lot of points in [map] where you can snipe, stop complaining" or "play combined arms".
Let me explain, I'm aware of these spots, however, I'm not the type to wait in them, I'll actually move around to get shots all over the map, and combined arms comes around every couple of weeks, so I'm forced to play in cqb maps. All I'm saying is that I want to see more long ranged maps and maybe even a "big team battle" game type in destiny or future titles.
So if you are a sniper and really dislike having to snipe on shotgun maps 24/7, reply and share your thoughts.
Honestly it feels great to snipe a shotgun user, however I want to go head to head with other snipers, its pretty fun like "damn he/she got me, I'll get em this time" I like sniper battles, so yeah.
One more thing, if you're a kick ass sniper and looking for a group to play with, hit me up on Xbox one GT: Vaencent or find groups in here, be nice alright.
It doesn't just need more large maps, it needs to include the existing ones in rotation for all 6v6 modes. I'm not a sniper, but I am a scout rifle enthusiast 😉 I do well with scout and shotgun combo (lord of wolves - I ain't cheap) Will be playing combined arms later (16.00gmt) If your still on ill hit you up