Is it really that hard to realize?
They even said it takes down bosses faster than Icebreaker.
Icebreaker shouldn't be outclassed by a Legendary.
Most of the bosses are very stationary and I guess Bungie doesn't want us playing the game that way
Really now? So there are no legendary weapons that out gun exotics?
Edited by Blanks: 7/17/2015 7:18:25 AMOutclassed. Not outgun. A subtle difference. But an important one.
You still have no point in your argument. Necrochasm vs vanquisher, what do you really think would happen?
Edited by Blanks: 7/17/2015 7:39:08 AMWhat I meant by outclass is that, in IB and BH case- one has high potential for fast unlimited ammo and the other has unlimited regenerative ammo. IB should be dominate in that area as that would be its Exotic niche. (But instead they both get pegged down, because Bungie doesn't like how they got used) Nechro would get wrecked but as I said it shouldn't be so, but regardless it serves a different niche. One not we comparable to IB/BH
Ice breaker should have had a faster charge time then. Oh wait they are making it longer because of PvP oh I mean "tension"... because of all those tension threads everyone posted about
Its not, I used black hammer all the time. I would just stand there and get criticals untill a boss was dead. You can drop urrox in like 2 mins! I new it was bad when a friend of mine who is pretty new said "so whats the plan for this guy" and I said "just black hammer him, its like 2 mins" and he was like "that sounds boring!" And I was like "it is" lol
It's cuz the icebreaker had a 5 second cooldown. Now it's gonna be 8 seconds, so it'll take even longer. I think they should keep black hammer the way it is and make it exotic if it's that big of an issue