If my yes means no and my no means yes, what does my maybe mean?
Wouldn't it still mean maybe?
Do we truly know what any word means?
Were they not created to give a word to a meaning?
But can we really trust the ones who gave those words meaning?
What is there not to trust when a word is only there to serve the purpose of naming something? Can't any word serve this purpose a s long as it is understood?
But how can we understand if some refuse to do so?
Why would you bother trying to make one do what they don't want to?
Because we do not always know what their motives are, do we?
Do you even know your own?
What if I don't?
Wouldn't you simply be reacting to everything blindly?
Since I'm blind, how do I know what my goals are?
Did I actually call you blind, or say you would be doing things blindly?
Maybe it means maybe, not really! Are maybe and not really opposites?
One is sprinkled with doubt, the other with possibility, wouldn't you say so?
But would you agree that neither carries the weight it wishes to bear?
Isn't maybe meant to give hope to situations that have little of it, and not really given to situations when people are trying to be polite when they absolutely do not want to do something?
I would agree with you but not reall is not really a word its two words, would you agree
How does that affect the validity of maybe, not really, and their implied usage?
The real question is can they be analysed as ying and ying when not really has more mass than maybe?
Do inventions of our imagination that convey meaning really hold mass?
Is the meaning capable of physical manifestation? If so would it then have mass?
Do you think mankind has the power to animate thoughts? If so, would they not have mass or would they be merely apparitions without any true mass?
Is this getting too deep? ;)
Were you trying to be sexual with that winky face?