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originally posted in: Evolution is a fact, but...
7/16/2015 8:55:45 PM
Firstly: Evolution explains how life got complex not how it began appears to be your main arguement here. Evolution actually does not claim to have started life off at all. You do not need a God to make life you need kinetic energy and a helluva a lot of luck (well not really when you have that many rolls of the die to play with) which was created at the big bang. Evolution explains complex life and how life changes. Their is a strong arguement that natural selection was not the main driver of evolution but that could just mean there was another driver that we are not aware of. The fossil records do seem to support evolution that is not the simple microevolution you spoke of. It seems strange that you would say that evolution causing humanity is a fantasy and then follow that up with an arguement that a magician made us. Also why is the default position of religious people that because science can't explain things then God did it? Why is we don't know the answer yet not acceptable? God is a shortcut to thinking. Saying you can't explain it therefore God or evolution can't explain it therefore God is just plain laziness on a species level. We need to actually do the actual research and get the real answers.

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