Just a quick feedback for/from the community (which includes the Bungie group).
The game is set in an interesting world, and each expansion has kept me coming back. Unfortunately, only for a month or so at a time. I love grindy games, but there aren't enough collectible items worth putting in 1000s of hours to find. And the random drops just make it all the more infuriating. Witcher 3 has me completely hooked. I feel like every release on next-gen has been a failure so far, not counting PC ports that already went through years of QA(Warframe, Don't Starve, Planetside) or shameless but appreciated remakes(Last of Us, Tomb Raider, GTA V) etc. Although the framerate has been horrid at times on PS4, CD Projekt basically nailed it. Quests are interesting. Enemies are unique and often disturbing. Every mistake you make can and probably will haunt you later on. I love BF4 but the launch was trash. Watch Dogs was a failure, every recent Assassin's Creed barely runs at an acceptable framerate. Drive Club is free on PS Plus this month as a quasi-demo but trying to buy the full game returns an error code(this was supposedly a launch title). I can't help but feel a bit ashamed to be a console gamer as of these last 2 years. Destiny will probably take hold of me again with Taken King. For how long, that remains to be seen.