Is this real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Is life just an illusion of death?
Are drugs a way for us to see reality?
What really is reality?
What if crazy people aren't crazy and us normal people are actually the crazy ones?
What if there is no normal or crazy
Is death just an allusion to life and its inevitable end?
Do we just travel in an endless painful circle with no chance of escape?
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Is reincarnation just continuing down the circle?
Have you taken a world history class that shows you Indians' love of circles as a symbol of life's endless path, until one breaks out of the circle and ascends into an after life?
Is history really in the past?
History is not bound by our understanding of time, now is it? Wouldn't you say history is behind us, that history is being made somewhere now, and that history has yet to materialize?
What if "heaven" is just our minds creating the most amazing place possible for us without our realization and our minds slow down our perception of time so greatly that we think we never die, and we just live inside of our minds forever?
"What if" is a powerful statement isn't it? Just call in a notion after it and you call the whole thing into question, right? Tell me, do you believe we live in our minds, and heaven is whatever we wish it to be?