Your the templar, do you train them to just piss everybody off?
Why would he ever do that when he loves you so much?
Does he love you?
Does he not love everyone equally enough to create monstrosities that kill everyone in their path and line of sight?
Have you embraced our lord and saviour templar?
Did those embrace Voldemort because they saw it as their only escape from an inevitable death, out of fear deep within?
Is that a harry potter reference?
HoW could it be anything else?
Are you telling me that voldemort is an ancestor of the templar?
Don't you think they are both demons who like to shred their soul in pieces by murdering innocent people who just want to accomplish something in life?
Although the vex have began worship, the vault of glass is a separate network of vex headed by atheon (the accusatory word for atheist in greek) they have no need for a heaven or hell thus no demons. And for them both to have murdered innocent ppl does that mean you think guardians are innocent?
Was there any logical reason for Voldemort or Templar to murder someone? Was there probable cause for guardians to murder others, to protect others? By this logic, do you find men risking their lives for us in the army murderers as well?
Edited by RockNRollTrouble: 7/16/2015 4:26:41 PMNot at all, i have total respect for those who risk their lives for us. But to think that all guardians who have been killed by the templar are "innocent" is very optimistic, nobody has started a fight that went too far in the saloon under lakshmi? nobody who found a piece of golden age tech and hoarded it? Do you think all guardians who found red death destroyed it as they were told? Also, did you mean men AND women?
Could we possibly be absolute in any statement? Is there not an exception, no matter how marginal, to everything we see as the truth? No, not every guardian can be innocent in a world where free will is prevalent, but does that mean we call the whole lot into question?
Your choice of the word innocent is what i was questioning. Is "just" a more appropriate word?
It may be, but what do you think of when you think of the word just and whoever is seen as such?
Usually the winner, have you been taught different?
What if Hitler had won the second World War by sheer force and brain wash? Does that make his ideals just, and make all those who fought him wrong?
No it wouldnt have been right, but there wouldnt be any objectors to argue that point. By the way you lose, if you mention ww2 or hitler in an discussion you automatically lose. Come on i thought you were better, was i wrong?
How is it I lose when I bring up a perfectly relevant idea in a debate? Is his existence so horrible we deny even remembering it, do we refuse to acknowledge what has happened because we are ashamed of how far it progressed? I believe people are just only if their opinion has the majorities backing when it is called into question, correct? Because one killed off those who disagreed with him, does he inherit such a noble title as "just"?
Have you not heard of Godwin's law?
Because it is predictable does not mean it is bad, now does it? The sun rises and sets everyday, it is predictable, but would you agree it is essential and a very important and good thing to life?
Are you 1 of the guys on here who posts riddles? You seem like one of those guys
What gave you the notion I like riddles? Am I too ambiguous in my stances, or do you think I am becoming overly philosophical?
Can you get more ambiguous than a person so adept at answering questions with questions?
I'll answer that question with a question: You may, you could give one word answers that do not yield any meaning, could you not?