Whether small and misdemeanor (burgulary, theft) or a felony such as murder, caught or not, what is the biggest crime you have ever commited? It doesn't count if you were framed. Mine would be burgulary. My friend was on vacation and I climbed over his backyard fence and through the doggy door (he has a big dog. Great Pyrnees.) because I forgot my phone the night before he left.
I was 21. I found a family of four on the side of the road, with nothing to their name. They just needed a ride to Little Rock. I had four open seats so I let them in. I needed gas so along the way I stopped and offered them drinks. I bought four waters. I drugged the waters. Family of four fast asleep in my backseat. I was originally just going to snapchat them. Before I knew it I was banging all of them. Hard, terrible things I was doing with my Dong. One died. After that I figured they all had to die. So I slit all of their throats and threw them in the river. I then linked their murder to Luke from my work who was then fired and arrested. I now have Luke's job.