Oh in that case, non tasteful art, that has abad artist behind it, that they thought they did good, but has those fetishes, and styles yu really disagree with (my jimmies been rustled by a few pictures I found, which tend to be on accident usually... some not, but was not looking for that kind of art.... sends shivees up spine, not the good kind...) Originally going to rustle jimmies wth a story from my life, decided it was unlikely to work, so took a different angle with low hopes=p
XD, decent artitsts, I do not mind origins if all they doing is grabbing onto some concepts from to make heir art, like concepts of the species, maybe with their own light twists... (fallen and hive may apply for the better part of the art, vex possible, maybe, cabal getting out of my zone of liking,, since I seen their faces..., psions are excluded, as they do not seem related to cabal.... unless they are the female, which would kinda be cool XD )