Who do you think is the most skilled of all PvPers is pure gunplay?
Fizzor is more skilled than TripleWreck.
Accept it.
giggle monster
Lol I guaranty there's better people than triple wreck but nobody knows them because they aren't in the spotlight of Twitch.
the people that voted are idiots lol. the people that commented are even bigger idiots, for the most part. the question was who is the most SKILLED player. triple is obviously really good, but it says right at the bottom about skilled gunplay. triple wreck blink shotguns with thorn. same with poshy, same with mgir, and gabe just thorn shotguns everything while he flies around the map. how is any of that skilled gunplay? you guys all constantly hate on nerd, but that guy basically never loses an actual 1v1 with his primary. and a reminder, it was about gunplay only. but honestly, fizz is the most skilled
You forgot my name, I 1v9 TripleWRECK, and his team regularly, I'm actually mid 1v9 right now.
There is this guy on Xbox 360 named Lightningdart20, he's pretty rad.
There's a guy called Exodass32, he's quite amazing.
Gamesager is also an insane player. Even uses his titan allot.
Out of the list you gave, triplewreck is the most skilled. But there are far more skilled players than triplewreck out there honestly. Guys with 4.0 KDs up to 7.0 KDs believe it or not...
I say triplewreck, he's my fave streamer but all the best players blink shotgun and use thorn so..
Why is the LegendHimself not included?
Triplewreck sucks lol especially on xb1
I am check my stats better than any of them
Mr fruit lol
No RealKraffty or TrueVangaurd ?
Clearly Mr.Fruit
Me fruit is halirious and I love him, but he's not very good
This is a very incomplete list, I'd like to nominate myself as I have never used blink and rely on nothing but skill. :P
Obviously Mr Fruit