Pretty much the only rule is to not out right answering a question, even if you tag on a question after your answer ("No, would you?" is not following the rules). Also, once someone's question has been questioned, try to question the questioner. For example, after my question has been questioned by another person, ask them a question about their question, not me. To clear the air, this is not completely original, I have seen this on another forum, and I was curious to see what would happen in Destiny forums. I'll start: "What is your first thought when you have a stupid death in Destiny?"
Sorry about no more spotlights, some people are being salty and I don't have time to debate with them right now :)
See now the question is why is the taco cat a tac ocat?
I'm Ron Burgundy?
Do you like Sniper montages? Sniper in Hand - a Destiny Montage - Enjoy!:
Parlez-vous Francais?
Who ordered a pizza?
Is it possible to make this last forever?
How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
What's the meaning of life?
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Is this the real life?
Did bush do 9/11?
How unstoppable is Kobe Bryant AKA the Black Mamba? Is the answer to that question another question?
Instructions are to complicated, dick maybe stuck in floppy drive?
How Long is a chinese man.
But, why?
Why did the chick cross the road?
There is no spoon?
Is it wrong for a vegetarian to eat animal crackers?
Sorry, what?
Should we ever let this thread die?
Why is there so many question marks?
Did that just happen?
Why are there birds on the moon?
Just how fat is your mom?
Why ask why
Do you need to know why?