Pretty much the only rule is to not out right answering a question, even if you tag on a question after your answer ("No, would you?" is not following the rules). Also, once someone's question has been questioned, try to question the questioner. For example, after my question has been questioned by another person, ask them a question about their question, not me. To clear the air, this is not completely original, I have seen this on another forum, and I was curious to see what would happen in Destiny forums. I'll start: "What is your first thought when you have a stupid death in Destiny?"
Sorry about no more spotlights, some people are being salty and I don't have time to debate with them right now :)
Why do titans fist of panic
I like cheese?
how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
Does Skolas turn your bullets into plastic when he waves his hand?
If you were camping with your buds in the woods and woke up with Vaseline on your ass would you say anything? If no, wanna go camping.....bwahahaha
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, will this BLEEP still only be able to get kills with a BLEEPING Thorn?!?!
Are you sure I can snort this?
Pepsi bottle, Coca Cola Glass *Poors Pepsi into The Coca Cola glass* I don't give a damn. *Thug Lyfe music plays and "Thug Lyfe" fades into screen while a Sweg hat, Gold Chain and joint spin into place*
Why do I get a boner when I see Omnigul?
Did bush do reach?
Can you -blam!- it?
Why did I click this post?
Wall cake said face guy?
Do I have to answer?
Who watches the watchmen?
Who keeps bumping this post?
Is he gone yet?
Why is this post still alive
Is this post in a sorry state or what?
Is it time for belligerent bumping?
Who let the dogs out?
Can someone carry me to the lighthouse?