He's better at the game, which will be a welcome change. Having a filthy casual as a community manager has been a little demoralizing.
It's ok you can say you cut a gjally with a katana. No tryhard can say that.
He may have more play time, but we all know you're still the real OG, DeeJ.
Naught at all, filthy and casual is the way I like it. Maybe just naught in that order ;)
What is this silly requirement? Deej man doesn't need to be "pro" at destiny to please people, I say if he manages to just play for fun with the community he's doing a job well done. If he don't have time to play with the community, he's still doing a good job listening(mostly behind the scenes) to people. Good night people -poof-.
Is Urk a Community Manager as well? If not, why not? :( Also, who's the "Lead" Community Manager? If you're not lead you cannot stand for this DeeJ!!!
Edited by dmahog: 7/15/2015 8:49:11 PMHey, if you ever come to Xbox, you're welcome to play with us at anytime. Edit - I see that you're on Xbox. Consider it a standing invitation. GT same as above, of course.
Don't be harsh on yourself Deej. I may have criticized your stance heavily but I still respect you. See you starside Guardian...
Where's the Jacket? I gave Deej a beautiful jacket I took off of SmoggyPluto. Cork sucker had a reputation as being the toughest guy in the Crucible. Only, he didn't come back after I got thru wit him...
Just wanted to reply to say I think Deej is a pretty chill guy from what I can tell. Gets all kinds of hate on here and still doesn't run around banning people like I would.... I would take my ball and go home.
I'm going to be honest. You're not that good at the game. But I heavily respect for dealing with all the crap everyone puts you through.
You handle a lot of heat ....it's not easy or possible to try and please everyone and that's something I'm sure you already know.
#foreverDeeJ keep the hashtag, let's lose the negativity and trolling
DeeJ, don't sell yourself short. Your kindness and patience and time (pun fully intended) has been in the realm of Ghallahorn (sp.) Nature. You've been constant, you've been positive, you've been Legend at your position. You weren't hired to be a hardxcore destiny grinder, you were/are the liason to those upset with the game and handled it with care. You're the MVP, and shouldn't consider yourself filthy because you play casually. Please stay employed at Bungie, because you've exceeded your job requirements. No need for self-hate, no need for hate, this is Destiny: one of the best years of gaming in my life. Thank you. [spoiler]DeeJ and Cozmo23 》ftw[/spoiler]
gjallarhorn guys! 32+ days of game play, consider me causal too, but don't hate on Legend CM
We still love you
Edited by planet__eater: 7/15/2015 8:31:33 PMWhen you pitch us a DLC and want us to pre order without any PR snag. Be direct about the facts. We want numbers, not fancy titles. If there's going to be a new planet. Tell us where we are going... Tell us how many, and get us excited! Be thorough, outline what's available without giving too much away. Don't trickle feed us info every three weeks either. don't leave holes for spiteful fans to exploit and taint the forums with that same filth. With all due respect, That neglect goes both ways, Deej.
I most have missed Deej's promotion to marketing manager. He has no control over the information released or when it is released. Do you yell at your postman when he delivers a bill?
I'm just stating the obvious. Do you yell at your postman for delivering your bills? That's a farce analogy in my opinion
Hes a filthy casual to. Hes still has a level 29 and All his characters are the same class.
Well at least you're honest.
You do good for destiny deej and i believe having someone who has more time to play the game with be able to give that extra input needed for the next great step for us guardians
I work with children with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour on a daily basis but I wouldn't have the patience you've displayed in dealing with a lot of the toxicity of this forum. Don't let them get you down Deej, they're the type of entitled bum holes that would complain that there's nothing to complain about.