Sooooo we got a problem.. one Silent Fang at The Grottos on Cosmodrome instead of three.
I found a discussion on reddit with a temporary solution: Kill the one silent fang, go to orbit, then relaunch patrol on cosmodrome and go kill the one again and repeat until finished.
Considering that the queen's bounties only renew once a week, it really isn't that annoying. You can just do it while also doing the 2-3 "cosmodrome patrol" bounties that appear every week. Its really only annoying if you're trying to knock out every bounty as soon as you get them.
BUNGIE!!! You still have not fixed this?!? Really?!!! Something as small as this you can't fix within a week?!? You know, you guys are about worthless as far as seeing the community gets even the smallest fixes in the game in a short amount of time. Either put 3 Silent Fangs in the Grottos, or make the bounty kill 1/1 Silent Fang. When we have to kill one and orbit and wash rinse and repeat to get three Silent Fang is B.S. Truthfully, I can't believe someone messed this one up at all and then I can't believe it was released. Aren't you guys even checking each others work? Don't you trial test your own game? These kind of errors and the length of time it takes Bungie to fix a small error makes Bungie sub par as far as many of us gamers are concerned. Mark my words, people are going to get sick of your crap and just move on to other games that have developers who take care of voiced concerns rather than sit on them for weeks and months at a time. We paid fair money, we want fair support. So far Bungie, you have a terrible marketing scheme and your action (or rather inaction) will reflect upon your track record.
It's no different from the "kill 3 Hive Knights" that means a trip to orbit and back into the Fist of Crota mission. A minor annoyance, I agree.
Yeah its completely ridiculous just like running the fist of crota mission over and over to get the husk. Bungie we want blades of crota, wolves roaming and taken in patrols all the time. We paid for it so make it happen.
At least we don't have to go out to the endless steps three times in a row.
Shortly after HoW first dropped I went to check this area out to see if that big door where the silent fang are opened someplace new and ran into three of them. So at some point all three were there at the same time, it wasn't until after the bounty became available that it went to only one at a time.
Some bounties are not meant to complete in one go. Like 3 public events or 3 swords of Crota. They are meant to do when your on patrol if your passing thru the area, not just farmed which is why you have to go to orbit to reset the enemy. It's just how they are structured, it's not a problem if it's on purpose.
Edited by TRDoug: 8/9/2015 7:12:37 PMJust remembered there are three of them in the mission that's actually called "the silent fang". It's the one where you fight through the breech to where we first started the game. I think they mean for us to do the whole mission like the assassin one on the moon.
So new week and this is still a thing. Annoying.
Aren't there three Silent Fang in the mission where you go to this are..? I can't remember exactly, but I have a feeling there are more in that mission.
Once again only one of them.
Fix bump
It's really annoying but you have to keep leaving and going back to Earth.
That's what I did
What I've read so far is it wasn't done on purpose and bungie was looking into it. Possible quick fix was to kill him once to complete the bounty. The blades of crota use to spawn. Now it's rinse and repeat and the same with this lousy bounty.
It's not convenient, but hardly that annoying to make me rage. I would be nice if they were on a respawn timer though
That's how everyone is doing it. Pain in the ass, but it's just like Blades of Crota, until they fix it or it goes away.
That's not a problem or a bug