Anybody have a Husk of the Pit drop recently (past few weeks)? And if so, how many tries did it take? I don't doubt that it drops. I've seen mods write that it still does. I'm just curious how long you farmed until it dropped. I've farmed for over 40 hours with 2000 Blades killed and no drop. However, my friends who have it obtained it after about 200 tries when TDB came out. I understand that it can take take thousands of tries due to RNG, but 200 and 2000 is quite a difference.
Really, I'm just looking for a recent confirmed drop to keep my hope up...
I want to test it, I got mine to drop on my 7th try after the blades got removed from public areas but before HoW. I shall test it and see how many times it takes to drop if indeed it drops. Will keep you updated if I find anything.