It served its purpose: reshape FPS games.
All it is now is a game filled with campers, hackers and 9 year olds
All the campaigns are the same. Even with some cutscenes being reused. Ghosts beginning cutscene was almost exactly like mw2's ending cutscene, only the surrounding area and characters were different.
All these DLC's aren't even worth it save a few free ones, like nuketown 2025 in some people's cases, or terminal in mw3
I tend to agree with all of this except they purposely wanted to link Ghost's with the MW franchise for obvious reasons. They need to do something drastic to sort it out, I don't mind change and AW though not the best at least they tried. Personally I do not care or Zombies so unless Black Ops 3 has something else to offer I think they might as well call it a day.
Yeah. And I heard this is the last one, so after 2015 it should be: Titanfall 2 Destiny DLC's Battlefield A new FPS?