Something 18+? But...most of the worthwhile loot is usually level 20+
[quote]Something 18+? But...most of the worthwhile loot is usually level 20+[/quote] Oooooooo
More like 30+
Are you 9!?!?
- [spoiler]Jk just a joke plz don't kill me[/spoiler]
Bump! A thousand times bump!
Yeah that's weird right. I also would say something level 40 even though we can't hit that yet.
Holy shit hes innocent...
Lmao. This. End of thread! ^_^
57th reply
I was hoping something 34+ I'm trying to rank up here jfc
Mega bump
R u twelve?
[quote]*whoooosh[/quote] And there it goes! Right over his head!
Your spelling seems like you're 12
Agreed. He just gave himself away.
Bump af