When it comes right down to it. If there was an absolute war between hunter and warlocks in an open field let's face it warlocks would win. You get half the army of each army and one half has one subclass one has the other. A bunch a blade dancers come running at you and the nova bomb team takes them out. As well as some gunslinger since nova bombs have infinite range. And what the gunslinger take out will self res. And then poof dead hunter army. I do both hunter and warlock. So I know from expirienece. But. In tight quarters. Hunters would win. You can't see that blade dancer coming around a corner. You can't nova bomb him without blowing yourself up. And if you self res he will just shank you again with his sharpened prison toothbrush. And a gunslinger is good up close and far away.
Nova bomb isn't that hard to counter with blink BTW. Hunters would most likely use BD after you use Nova bomb leaving half of the warlocks dead. Try go fore sun singer kill them self respect. And then gunslinger. It doesn't matter how big you are or the numbers in size you have it depends on strategy