So, you hate the idea? Love the idea? Don't care about the idea?
Hate- it's easy enough as is
What if that isn't true for some people? Should they just "git gud scrub?"
Just hate how bungie caters to all the shitty ppl . Make the game difficult so tht it's more rewarding in the end
Go join the MLG then. You bad ass elitie Mo Fo
No time. Also just git good and stop whining
No time. Have a life. Also, git gud at having a life.
Lol I hav a job. Game is easy as is
Good job, you've got a job. But I said you should get a life. Not a job.
Kinda hard to hav a life with my job
Maybe if you didn't play video games so much you'd have more of a life.
Nah my life's great