( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit: You horny guys are blowing up my phone.
Edit 2: We're trending. Probably the most sexual thread I have ever seen. Good job guys and boys.
Edit 3: I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about "slavery" even though I'm hearing all these various kinky things. Shouldn't I get in trouble for this thread? :0
Edit 4: it seems many of you want to keep the 18+ option at 69% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 5: Added a picture of the Queen.
The funniest post I have seen is this :
[quote]As long as I have a face, the Queen will always have a throne to sit on.[/quote]
Said by: Funkiestrat5612
Step it up guys.
Edit 6: Yeah yeah..I get it already, 69%
There's a lot of votes on it, 2000+, so if you're voting for the first time, it's probably not going to change at all.
Edit 7: Put a more...revealing picture of the queen.
Edit 8: [b][i]Since a lot of you seem to like Petra more than the queen, I fished this picture out for you guys.[/i][/b]
[url=http://pre01.deviantart.net/7320/th/pre/i/2015/114/0/c/queen_s_emissary___petra_venj_by_ultamisia-d8qww31.jpg]Click To View[/url]
Edit 9: [u]1000 Replies[/u]! Some horny, some kinky, and others 2 serious. Thanks!
Edit 10: Were mostly dead now
Edit 11: I thought Ninjas bagged this thread?
Queens weapons that I want to use.
Something 18+, she hot as hell.. And I'm not embarrassed to admit it.
Coming in here was a bad idea. 69% said something 18+ Lol.
Release my Wolfpack rounds all over her face
Any 18+ content out there?
Something 18+ has 69 likes :P
As old as I am... [spoiler]Sometimes I still ask her to read me bedtime stories...[/spoiler]
I would ask for a unique armor set... Seriously.. The queen is not hot in the slightest <.< pervs
I WANT TO SLEEP... with Petra. I like redheads alright?
Petra has little bollocks :0
Wow everyone... I can't believe the 18+ option is at 69%... Wow
They all want Halo 3, it's 18+
dat ass
Someone please reply, I'll need to come back here for.....research, yeah let's go with that.
Holy shit man nice fan art borderline porn tho
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lemme hit it from the back ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Something 18+ just went 69%, nailed it!
Laurea prima...
The location of the black garden
I'll pop my bubble and give her my blessing of light
If my bubble's rocking, don't come knocking.
What're the odds that 18+ option is at 69%?