Well you know that guy juke something? Well I had sword bested my first time that day and I got swordbreaker, I was very happy so I wanted to tell him. He would not answer so I started copying and pasting over and over and eventually he got really angry. After he said " You just got a perms ban!" He started playing the song fdb ( eff dat b )
Thats on you bud. Any streamer would ban you for spam, i know i would have if i were him
Personally I don't even like his streak so I don't care that much
Yeah i used to watch him for awhile then he just became ( or already was ) a big dbag and i lost interest
Lol I know I was just new to the whole twitch thing so I was upset he wouldn't answer me
Ah i see, but i mean someone like jukebox360, he's got a huuuge chat and he's not gonna answer anyone