[quote]Cod doesn't have aliens (ghosts)
Cod doesn't have space ships (customisable loading screen)
Cod doesn't gods. (???)
Cod isn't a Sci fi fantasy game. (Sci fi nonetheless)
Cod doesn't have time traveling robots. (It's not terminator)
Cod doesn't have space pirates (we have Russian terrorists)
Cod doesn't have a race inspired by space marines. (Who cares)
Cod doesn't have the hive. (How could I forget after Dinklebots amazing performance)
Doesn't have a space magic. (Not a fantasy game)
cod doesn't have a interesting lore (still has some compared to Destiny's extremely basic lore I could have created in a week)[/quote]
The aliens in ghost are just mindless monsters.
Destiny's AI isn't exactly good.
It's aliens have space ships and aren't mindless
Then how did the CoD aliens get to Earth? Checkm8
Cod aliens could of been the first life's forms on the planet. Check mate.
But then they wouldn't be ayyliens Checkm8
Nope. It's the same thing as resistance. The aliens came from Earth. Check.mate