Warlocks wear robes. Know who else wears a robe? Hugh Hefner.
Hunters wear cloaks. Know who else wears a cloak? Little Red Riding Hood.
Nuff said
Dumfuk little red ridding good wears a hood not a cloak
Ugh. Nooe. She wears a cloak that has a hood on it. Please know what a cloak is before commenting
-Points at Ruby Rose from RWBY-
a true bad@ss
Edited by R3mOt3K1ll4: 7/12/2015 3:55:49 PMYou know who also wears robes? Catholic priests. You know you wears capes, Batman.
Hahaah damm son burn on the batman comment
Got eem!
There's a difference between a cape and a cloak.
Priests wear vestments, not robes. Batman is lame. The one superhero with no real super powers
Actually under that they were a robe called an alb and cincture
And above that they wear vestments......like i said. Who cares what they wear underneath. You must've been an alter boy
No I went to a catholic private school and I had to learn that
I don't want to know how you learned
Edited by Arby the Harpy: 8/23/2015 11:41:29 PMYou guessed how I knew that and I corrected you. I'm just saying
Then I corrected you. Just sayin
How did you correct me by saying I don't care how you learned. I was explaining it
Same way you corrected me...... [spoiler]you didnt[/spoiler]
You guessed that I was an alter boy but I was not so I corrected you
And you guessed that I cared what they wore underneath. So I corrected you.
Well you cared enough to respond
To correct you ;-)
Ok. It appears as if this argument has been resolved and your intention was to correct me from the start. Let's go our separate ways now
Superman wears a cape. Same could be applied to him.
A cape isn't a cloak like hunters wear
If we're nitpicking, A) Batmans cloakis a cowl, and B) Green Areow has no powers, so why isn't he the best.