Ok..... Jobs, Obama made more minimum wage jobs so sure nice job now he realized he needs to raise minimum wage cuz all his jobs were shit. We really need to go to war against Isis, ground forces are the only thing that can take back the cities. No Obama will leave it to Israel to save our asses and then give them more shit. Not to mention the thousands of wasted live that were devoted to the first and second battles of Fulujah and ramadi. Now granted Obama kept us out of Ukraine but in the end he still sent a message of weakness. Obama has been doing better in the economy but still he ran on words alone both elections he used the poor mans vote as well as the minority vote. He is appealing to young people because of his 2 years of community college free.
Again, my job is not to show that Obama is a good president. I'm only grasping at what the state of the country, and world, would [i]most likely[/i] be if he were the [b]worst[/b] president.
Of note. Republican run states have bolstered our economy. Democratic run states are bleeding the the country dry