Bungie, this is a message for you. We've tried alot of stuff trying to figure out the VOG secret. So I am asking you deeply and probably from alot of people that want to figure this secret out. Please give us another hint. I know this is a hunt and it will take ALOT of time, but I think we need a hint. Bump this if you think we deserve a hint.
I am not talking about some fake chest. Bungie told us that we haven't found all secrets in the vault. So there is something, hopefully not a chest that gives you some ascendant shards.
EDIT 2: You guys are right. Nothing to be found.
[quote]I know this is a hunt and it will take ALOT of time[/quote] This is what they want you to do, waste time so their statistics look good. If there was something in the vault it's not a weapon or dataminers would have discovered its existence. So it's either a shard chest, a easter egg or far more likely nothing.