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Edited by qReaperOfSoulzq: 7/10/2015 2:31:07 PM

Hashtag Brosiris are looking for more Guardians to conquer the Battlefield! (PS4 PVP)

Hashtag Brosiris are searching for more like minded Guardians to join our quest of conquering the Battlefields! Whether it be regular Crucible, Iron Banner or the Trials of Osiris we will be there, grouped up and ready to etch our clan name into all of our victims' minds. Are you one of us? We will find out. All you have to do is to [b]apply, but first make sure you meet the requirements.[/b] The requirements are: - Must be at least [b]fifteen[/b] years of age. Sorry, we don't accept anyone below. The reason is simple, we spend hours on end talking to one another in a microphone and I don't know about y'all but I don't appreciate the voice of a eight year old raging on the other end. - Must be able to [b]communicate properly in English[/b], meaning everyone on the other end of the mic can understand what you're saying. - We prefer that you live in Europe or Scandinavia but we don't condemn anyone applying from out of these regions as long as you're active and are able to group up with your clanmates. - [b]We take our pvp quite seriously[/b], so all we ask is that you do [b]call outs[/b] and [b]concentrate[/b] on killing the other team whenever we're in the Trials. Ofcourse, if someone is clutching or doing something incredible there's nothing stopping you from bursting out with laughter. We're also here to have fun. - We don't care so much about K.D as we know that K.D is a useless stat. Someone can have a K.D of 0.6 and still demolish the other team. Why? Because most of us with a 1.0 or below K.D (like myself) have those stats from our days when we first started and sucked at it. [b]Your K.D is a work in progress, and we're here to help you.[/b] - Lastly, all we ask for is [b]loyalty[/b]. If you're only applying to play Trials but not play with the rest of your clanmates during the week for Crucible or Iron Banner, we don't want you. [b]This clan is more than just a clan, it's a international brotherhood of gamers that only wants to conquer the pvp side of Destiny while sharing laughs.[/b] If you can meet and if you abide by all of the above, feel free to apply. The bros of Brosiris are waiting for you! [url=][b]Apply here![/b][/url]

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