I've seen plenty of posts about people getting The Ram or the Nothing Manacles, but none with Purifier Robes. I want those damn robes!
Edit: Well ever since Xûr brought chest engrams a lot of people have them. This was meant for people who got them right off the bat.
Edit 2: over 100 replies! That's 100 people I now hate for their good luck.
Edit 3: Finally got them! Gimme five sunbros!
Kind of not worth it. I'll explain why: They act as a titan's flash grenade. They blind you for two seconds and keep your mini map and his fuzzy for another two. Using self res is difficult. When you self res you don't instantly blind your foes. You must wait for your radiant wings to activate. During that time your enemies will notice and shout HE SELD RESSED, and then they will promptly rush with shotguns/fist of panic, killing you before anyone is blinded. Radiance simply doesn't have effective damage resistance and since you're immobile for about two seconds due to the animation self revive has you're most likely going to die anyway.