I disagree, here's why. All of the achievements for the emblem are PvE-based except win 100 Crucible matches, a feat than anyone who plays regularly can achieve thanks to the fact it's any Crucible game type, so people aren't forced into one type of play (like Elimination) that they hate.
The hardest achievement on there is Skolas, but that's about on par with having beaten CE Hard back when the level cap was 32. The only difference is you have 3 people instead of 6, and it's a different type of activity rather than a raid. Not impossible in the least. Whereas in Trials, you are facing real people and not an AI, so it's much harder. All Skolas requires is a strategy and the proper weapons. Trials requires luck, skill in PvP, and team coordination that some people can't achieve.
Bungie left out light house to appease all the sony scrubs
I'm on the 360 and I'm happy that they left it out.
SCRUB LORD confirmed
Yeah I'm a lord so get your peasant ass out of my presence.
Your right. Today I realized people really aren't that good. I was in the tower and some guy invited me to do 32 POE and i said sure. They didn't know how to join and I told them they had to die first. ( my first indication they weren't good). We try it and die about half way through. I'm think hey it's Okey we'll get it. Next time we get him near one shot but the problem was the other 2 guys hadn't shot a rocket yet and kept dying over and over. I left after that and played crucible but realized people really do suck at this game. When TTK comes out I'm gonna beat it first day like everything else and play with people who are actually good.